Family Psychology Affects Success in Family Business

business-successIn family business, there is a clearly defined but invisible control mechanism called the family system. This system is often referred to as the family business psychology. In family business, the keys to implementing solutions to business problems are often locked up in the psychology of the family. Business solutions cannot be effective if family business psychology is ignored.

“Because I Said So“ is Not a Corporate Governance Structure

business-successA corporate governance structure is a collection of customs and policies that affect the way a corporation is administered. This type of structure provides an internal discipline on how family and non-family members function within the business. A corporate governance structure helps professionalize the way a family business operates.

When a Family Member Asks for a Job…

business-successIf the business is to thrive, there should be conditions attached to the hiring of family members. Every owner of a family business faces the issue of whether to hire particular family members. It's important to set a fairly high bar before hiring family members, or the business will end up employing less than competent people.

Creating Structure Within a Family Business

business-successAs a family business grows, the need for a well-defined family business structure becomes more important in order to keep the business growing. Once the entrepreneurial stage passes, more family business structure is required to define how the founder will interface with the business and find solutions to family business issues that arise.