Mutual Respect – The 7th Key to Success in Family Business

business-successThe most successful family businesses are those whose members always do their best to show mutual respect for all members of the family. Mutual respect is built on the trust that comes from knowing that one family member can depend on other family members. Without mutual respect, it can be extremely difficult to run a successful family business together.

Genuine Caring – The 6th Key to Success in Family Business

business-successWhen family members genuinely care about each other and are able to openly express feelings of concern for other family members, family business success is possible. To promote a feeling of genuine caring, it's important to give undivided attention to other family members. Relationships built on this premise are valuable for everyone involved.

By |2017-07-10T13:48:23-06:00November 24th, 2009|Categories: 10 Keys to Success|

Maintaining Relationships – The 5th Key to Success in Family Business

business-successA successful family business is one that understands the importance of maintaining healthy relationships among family members. This means it's important to have fun together, and not talk about business all of the time. Experiencing enjoyable times together helps family members sustain their relationships and work together towards the success of the business.